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Wednesday 4 September 2024

UK warns Against Travelling To The Following

When planning a holiday, it’s wise to check these three things before you leave for the airport: your passport is in-date, travel insurance is still valid and you’re travelling to someplace safe according to the Foreign Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO).

Political conflicts, natural disasters and safety concerns are among the reasons the UK Foreign Office will recommend British nationals steer clear of certain destinations.

Nigeria – Borno State, Yobe State, Adamawa State, Gombe State

FCDO advises against all travel to parts
Algeria – all travel to within 30km of Algeria’s borders with Libya, Mauritania, Mali, Niger, Tunisia
Armenia – within 5km of the full eastern border between Armenia and Azerbaijan
Azerbaijan – Nagorno-Karabakh and surrounding areas
Benin – Northern border regions
Burundi – Cibitoke and Bubanza provinces
Cameroon – Bakassi Peninsula and within 40km of Central African Republic, Chad and Nigeria borders
Chad – Borkou, Ennedi Ouest, Ennedi Est and Tibesti provinces, Kanem Province, including Nokou, Lake Chad region and within 30km of all Chad’s other borders
Congo – Republic of Congo-Central African Republic border area in the Likouala Region, districts in the Pool Region and Mouyondzi District in the Bouenza Region
Côte d’Ivoire – borders with Burkina Faso and Mali and Côte d’Ivoire-Liberia border
Democratic Republic of the Congo – DRC-Central African Republic border, Eastern DRC, Kwamouth territory of Mai-Ndombe Province and areas in Kinshasa Province
Djibouti – Djibouti-Eritrea border
Egypt – Egypt-Libya border, North Sinai and Western Desert
Eritrea – within 25km of Eritrea’s land borders
Ethiopia – international border areas, Tigray region, Amhara region, Afar region, Gambella region, Oromia region, Somali Regional State and Benishangul-Gumuz region
Georgia – South Ossetia and Abkhazia
Indonesia –Mount Sinabung, North Sumatra, Mount Marapi, West Sumatra, Mount Semeru, East Java, Mount Ruang, Northern Sulawesi, Mount Ibu, North Maluku
Israel – Gaza, The West Bank and Northern Israel
Jordan – within 3km of the border with Syria
Mauritania – Eastern Mauritania, Mauritania-Western Sahara border, Tiris Zemmour, Adrar, Tagant, Hodh el Gharbi, Assaba and Guidimaka provinces
Moldova –Transnistria
Mozambique – Cabo Delgado Province, Nampula Province
Myanmar (Burma) – Chin State, Kachin State, Kayah State, Kayin State, Mon State, Rakhine State, Sagaing and Magway regions, Tanintharyi Region, Shan State North, North Mandalay Region
Nigeria – Borno State, Yobe State, Adamawa State, Gombe State
Philippines – Western and central Mindanao and the Sulu archipelago
Saudi Arabia – Saudi Arabia-Yemen border and Abha International Airport
Somalia – eastern Somaliland and Western Somaliland
The Occupied Palestinian Territories –Gaza, Areas near Gaza, The West Bank and Northern Israel
Togo – Togo-Burkina Faso border
Tunisia – Western Tunisia, including the Tunisia-Algeria border and Southern Tunisia, including the Tunisia-Libya border
Turkey – Turkey-Syria border, Sirnak city and Hakkari Province
Venezuela – within 80km of the Venezuela-Colombia border, within 40km of the Venezuela-Brazil border
Western Sahara – south and east of the Berm boundary line

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