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Monday 10 November 2014

Ebola Scare Kills Nigerian In Spain!

The fear of Ebola is the beginning of life. Ebola is the most dreaded terror and scourge to humanity at moment. It is no respecter of persons, color or race, white and black, it is without boundary. Mere glimpse of any sign of Ebola at a distance will make even the American Special Strike force to take to their heels. The best of medical personnel cannot stand at the sign of Ebola. So was the case on October 18, 2014 at Barajas Madrid Airport Spain, where a Nigerian drug peddler was mistakenly abandoned and left to stew in his own juice by the airport security and medical team because of Ebola scare. If not for the Ebola fear the life of the Nigerian may have been saved.

According to information gathered, the 38 year old Nigerian, identified as Ikenna Nzeako from Owerri Imo state on the fateful day arrived on a Turkish airline flight from Istanbul to Madrid. As he was about to leave from the airport he started shivering and collapsed. The airport security men and the emergency medical team realizing he was a Nigerian felt scared and hesitated to attend to him. Time elapsed as he was left alone on the floor before a special medical team arrived and confirmed that it was not Ebola case. But was as a result of overdose of cocaine inside his body which has busted inside his stomach. Subsequently he died few minutes after the medical team attended to him.

By Uchendu Precious Onuoha (Masterweb Special Correspondent-Spain)

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