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Tuesday 5 November 2013


Nancy moved on after several heartaches in school. By the time she began making plans to start her internship; her mother had found love with a well-known business man, Igwe Albert, who married her as his second wife.

Naturally, Nancy became his step daughter. Igwe ensured that his new wife was happy—he set her up in business, got her a good apartment and a car. He also ensured that his step daughter lacked nothing.

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He even urged her to have her internship in the accounts department of his company. Seeing how well she did her job and even helping to reduce his overhead cost, he came to appreciate her and showered her with praises and gifts.

It soon got to a point where she stayed back after most of the workers have closed for the day, balancing the books. On such occasions, Igwe would stay back to keep her company and related with her the way a father would with a daughter.

Nancy appreciated this kind gesture and quickly warmed up to him. She was glad to have found a real father figure at last!

One evening, when they were relating as usual, their discussion soon became raunchy and they had sex in the office! She felt bad that she had betrayed her mother.

“I don’t want you to tell your mother about what happened tonight,” Igwe said and signed a cheque of N2m in her name. She didn’t believe he could be this generous and thought this could be the last intimate moment they would share together.

But it wasn’t. Igwe kept coming for her and so were the gifts and money. Her initial fear was erased. Nancy relaxed and went full throttle with him. Not even the mother suspected anything because she believed her husband was taking care of her daughter.

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Three months after, she became pregnant and her mother and the first wife soon found out. But Nancy refused an abortion.

“Mother, do you remember what the prophet you took me to when I was 18 years old said?” Nancy asked her mother. Her mother had taken her to a prophet for prayers when she suffered from a strange ailment and medical help failed. Nancy was prayed for and she got better. The prophet warned her mother that the girl must never have an abortion, if she did, she would die!

“So, you are going to keep the pregnancy and marry my husband?” her mother said despitefully.

“Nancy, the prophecy was five years ago and it was because of your illness. You must go for an abortion.”

Surprisingly, even Igwe sits on the fence about it and told mother and daughter to take the decision they felt was the best for them.

But both Nancy’s mother and his first wife are set for battle. They asked that the pregnancy be terminated.


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