Conditions that might affect your vágina include:
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1. Séxual problems. These might include persistent or recurrent priváte part pain just before, during or after séx (dyspareunia). Pain during penetrátion might be caused by involuntary spasms of the muscles of the váginal wall (vaginismus).
3. Vaginitis. An infection or change in the normal balance of vaginál bacteria can cause inflammation of the vágina (vaginitis). Symptoms include vaginál discharge, odor, itching and pain.
Common types of vaginitis include bacterial vaginosis, which results from overgrowth of one of several orgánisms normally present in your vágina; yeast infections, which are usually caused by a naturally occurring fungus called Candida albicans; and trichomoniasis, which is caused by a parasite and is commonly transmitted by séx.
4. Pelvic floor relaxation. If the supporting ligaments and connective tissues that hold the uterus in place become weak, the uterus, bladder or rectum might slip down into the vágina (uterine prolapse). As a result, the vágina also is pulled down.
5. Other diseases and conditions. Váginal cysts can cause pain during séx or make it difficult to insert a tampon. Váginal cancer — which might first appear as váginal bleeding after menopáuse or séx — also is a rare possibility.
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