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Sunday 22 September 2013


More facts have emerged on the controversial death of Prophet Ireti Ajanaku, the former spiritual father of Gospel singer, Tope Alabi. Following his eventual death after loyalists believed he was in a trance for almost a week, Ekotainment’s investigation has revealed more details on the cause of the flambouyant Pastor’s death.

Contrary to the general belief that the man of God and the General Overseer of Christ Revival Victory Chapel International was only sick before his untimely death, Ekotainmentcan report that, the Muslim turned pastor was involved in a ghastly auto crash along Lagos/Ibadan express road about two weeks to his death.

A source at the church who pleaded anonymity told yours truly that, the accident occurred while the clergyman was travelling to his home town in Osun State. According to the source, Pastor Ajanaku who was travelling in his Ford space bus was badly injured in the crash. “Daddy was taken to the UCH (University College Hospital) in Ibadan for medical attention. He was there for a week but, when his condition did not improve, he asked to be taken to his hometown in Gbongan. He was moved to Gbongan from Ibadan and stayed there for weeks. That was where he fell into a ‘trance’. He will go for hours and days without talking or breathing and return to praise God.

“In fact, that was the reason why it was difficult for anyone to believe he was dead when he eventually died. He had done that many times before he died and we just prayed and he returned many times. The last one was getting too long and he was moved to Lagos, by that time, he had been announced dead. But, people who witnessed his previous condition were of the belief that, he will return from the ‘trance’ which he never did,” said, the source who is a strong member of the media group of the church.

According to him, the pastor was seriously wounded in the crash and the church concealed the incident. “On the spot of the incident, the driver had to hurriedly remove the church banners which covered the bus to avoid attraction. At UCH, he was not registered as Ireti Ajanaku to hide his identity. The people around him really tried in covering the incident but, the complications from the crash caused so much pain for daddy until his death,” the source said, adding that some members of his church still believe he is not dead.

It will be recalled that, Prophet Ajanaku was later confirmed dead on Thursday August 22 by a team of doctors and his body moved to the military morgue in Yaba, Lagos.

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