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Saturday 21 September 2013


Madam, why are you hyper beautiful? A superbly beautiful, ravishing and charming lady like you cannot escape it and to compound matters, you are light skinned and you know in Nigeria our men can die for yellow pawpaw! God is your strenght, please continue reading the excerpts from her interview below!

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The Police Public Relations Officer, Lagos State Command, a Deputy Superintendent of Police, Ngozi Braide, speaks with BOSEDE OLUSOLA-OBASA on her personal life and the job

Some people alleged that you didn’t get the PPRO job on merit, but through closeness to some men at the top hierarchy in the force. Is this true?

You know the irony is when people gossip about you, you are usually the last to hear it. The gossip must have gone round but I never heard about it. I can tell that I got to this position through hard work. I wasn’t just handpicked. There was an interview and I emerged the best. I worked in Interpol, Special Fraud unit, Intelligence Unit and IG monitoring Unit before I came to the Public Relations Unit.

How do you cope with your numerous male admirers?

I am coping well. I don’t have to bother about the ones on Facebook for now because I don’t have an account right now. Some impostors were found to be running a parallel account with my original account and I had to close it. But on my phone I get so many calls, many of which come from men who just call for nasty reasons. In fact, I get 50 per cent reasonable calls and 50 per cent nasty calls. Then physically at functions, some men really make me feel shy because of their gestures. I have, however, chosen never to act snobbishly, so I handle them maturely.

You said the bribe giver and taker are offenders, are you aware that people have been killed trying to prove a point with armed policemen?

I believe that most times there is more to such stories than people know. A lot of times, the giver has committed an offence and he is opting to part with money just to be released. It is not everybody that would be asked for a bribe. Is it possible that a person is killed just because he refused to give a policeman bribe? They are rumours. I don’t believe that. That is the challenge I have because you do not even believe me right now. People should not give bribe to policemen under whatever circumstances, whether on the road or at the police stations. The complaint bureau is available for the public to lodge reports. We will assist you. Where you are being pestered, we can even give you marked currency notes to go and give for us to apprehend the policeman in question.

Have you ever told a lie to the public on a case to cover the police’s reputation?
(Laughs) Is there somebody that can say that he or she has never told a lie?

I mean as an exigency of your job …
I can’t remember lying to the public but I am human just like you. As humans, once in a while one might tell a lie but on this job I can’t remember telling the public a lie. I am always out to do it right.

Would you encourage your children to join the police?
Yes, even if all of them want to join the force, I will encourage them.

Has being a woman been an added advantage to your job?
Yes, it has been. When I was in the investigation unit, I didn’t wear uniforms so I could hardly be identified as a police officer. I was able to break into cases where my male counterparts met brick walls. Women are rarely ever suspected. I never failed.

Are you married to a policeman?
I don’t like discussing my family.

Do you socialise?
I do especially on Saturdays but I can’t go everywhere I would have loved to go because I no longer have my privacy. I have to choose where I go to. Each time I get into a place, people come around to ask me one thing or the other. But it is important to socialise and identify with the public. When I really want to relax, I love to go to the beach with my family and feel nature.

Which fashion item can’t you resist?
Everything, I love clothes, I love wrist watches, I love rings, I love jewellery, I love shoes. Yes, I think I love shoes and bags more. I love to wear beautiful shoes. They are just there now, I rarely wear them, but I still keep buying more.

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