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Friday 5 July 2013


The court documents dated June 26 said: "He is in a permanent vegetative state and is assisted in breathing by a life support machine.
"The Mandela family have been advised by the medical practitioners that his life support machine should be switched off.
"Rather than prolonging his suffering, the Mandela family is exploring this option as a very real probability."
The South African presidency has denied former leader Nelson Mandela is in a "vegetative state" after court documents suggested his life support should be turned off.
The declaration from members of Mr Mandela's family that he was in a "permanent vegetative state" came as part of a dispute over the graves of three of his children.
But the presidency said in a statement it "would like to make a clarification" about the former president's condition which remains "critical, but stable".
"We confirm our earlier statement released ... after President Jacob Zuma visited Madiba (Mandela) in hospital."
The statement said he remains under the 24-hour care of "a team of doctors, nurses, paramedics and other health professionals".
The court documents dated June 26 said: "He is in a permanent vegetative state and is assisted in breathing by a life support machine.
"The Mandela family have been advised by the medical practitioners that his life support machine should be switched off.
"Rather than prolonging his suffering, the Mandela family is exploring this option as a very real probability."

South African President Jacob Zuma
President Jacob Zuma has been giving updates on Mr Mandela's health

The "certificate of urgency" document was obtained from a lawyer representing Mandela family members who had successfully sought a court order to return the children's remains to the revered South African leader's childhood home.


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