Betway Poker

Sunday 7 July 2013


If it is important to do a background check before entering a business deal or before employment, doesn’t it make sense to do one when it comes to something as important as love? Even the good book advocates for background checks when it comes to matters of the heart, I kid you not.

And thank heavens for social media; it has made background checks easier and less intrusive. These days with one click of the button you can find out a lot of background information, and if there is no information on social media, ask the right questions.

I don’t trust everything that comes out of the mouth of another human being. You know why, because people lie. Big time! And when it comes to love, the lying goes up a notch. Believe me, I have also done it. People will often edit, alter, forget or emit very important information in order to get the object of their desire.

Just the other day, one of my friends found out that her beloved boyfriend (whom we were all a little envious about), was not single and ready to mingle as he had led her to believe, but that he was actually a married man with two children. Were there signs that something was off? Yes, of course. He would disappear during the weekend, only visit her at her house but never take her to his place, and so on. But she decided to ignore her instincts and to believe his calm, loving and reassuring answers.

All because people believe you are some kind of “animal”(and not sensible and logical) if you investigate the man or woman you intend to give your heart to, and maybe spend the rest of your life with.

A background check to many is akin to being deceitful and villainous, because if you “love” someone, you are supposed to trust them both blindly and completely. Whoever came up with that nonsense should be shot!

When dating an individual, they will often magnify their good features or what they think you want to see. In fact, when dating, you are almost always dating what someone wants you to see.

My motto when it comes to love and dating is; do a back-ground check and do not just do juu juu investigation, do a thorough investigation.

If a man has many baby mamas all over town, or is a religious mummy’s boy, or if he is not the rich man he has been claiming to be, or if maybe he is involved in witchcraft, it is always best to now this before hand, so you can decide whether you can live with it or not.

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