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Saturday 29 June 2013



Lamzat Blog Worldwide : 8 BENEFITS OF CUDDLING!:

Sorry to all the fine guyz, don't take this personal but that is just the reality and basic fact..... 

Most handsome men are homosexuals! Accepted in some countries! A taboo in some and forbidden by God.

Most handsome men do not make good parents, just like a beautiful woman who will be haunted and wanted by all. They are naturally distracted.

Most handsome men spend a greater percentage of their income and beauty products and expensive shit to the detriment of their children and family. All they know is fashion, just like a bleaching Yorubaman or woman!

Most handsome men are patrons of Tejuosho market Lagos Nigeria cream mixing shops! They know how to mix petrol with Vaseline!

Though Men are natural cheats, Most fine guys are first class womanizers: this is as a result of too many admiration from the women folks, just like their pretty female counterparts!

For the fact that most of them are womanizers, it makes them cheats

Most fine guys, just like the rich ones, abuse women without thinking.

Funny or not, like most Men, Most fine guys are carrying a curse, which was given to them by one of the numerous girls they must have broken their hearts

Handsome men prefer perfect women but their own imperfections are staggering.

The choice is yours! Either get a furniture as a husband or get a future! Thumbs up to the good handsome men out there!

Thanks to handsome Femi Davies Metronews Nigeria

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