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Sunday 9 June 2013


Like it or not, this is every lady's nightmare! Please share and rebroadcast to educate and assist the sensitive ones amongst us. Some are shy to come out and admit but the embarrassment lingers. Douching creams, sprays and soaps may help but they do not come cheap, personal hygiene is key as well. Help disseminate the information. Enjoy the post.

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Most guys are jittery about disturbing settled waters and will not tell you but will prefer to avoid a second round or another chance outing. Check yourself, this may be the cause of your constant heartaches and avoidance.

Forget about Religion, remember, cleanliness is next to Godliness, Religion does not encourage foul smell and dirtiness, get a grip on your hygiene and move on.

Okay…lets face it…a healthy vaginal usually has some sort of smell *even if – to you – it may smell neutral, to another – it may have a certain smell. Now, here are certain points to take note of:

* If your vaginal smell musky, its probably as a result of sweating and physical stress – e.g exercise. Take your bathe.

* If it smells like bleach/ chlorine, its probably ‘coz of the lubricant you used during sex, condom use can also cause this. No pee, nothing to worry about

* If it smells fishy, you probably got BV (Bacteria Vaginosis), if you got greenish discharge plus foul odour – its probably trichomoniasis. See your doctor.

* If it smells like bread plus a discharge that looks like cottage cheese, you probably got yeast infection

* Everything you eat and drink has got effect on the taste and smell of your vaginal. Generally, whatever has a strong smell makes it smell bad, if it smells sweet, you’re up for a sweet smelling vaginal. Pineapple,Oranges and Grapefruit – for instance – could make it taste nice while Coffee,Alcohol,Onions and Garlic could have your vajayjay smellin’ awful…hmmm…

In addition to all these, always make sure U don’t wear too tight fitting undies or trousers, your vajayjay needs to breathe, a sweaty vaginal is a bacteria hub. Plus, always take yoghurt, it helps the build up of “good bacterium”(Vaginal’s Defence Mechanism)down there…also, if you observe a strong smell that doesn’t seem to go away within 2 days(despite increased fluid intake),see a doctor.

Lest I forget, ladies – you need not wear your panties to bed, U need that place smelling fresh at all times, always let it breathe sweeties…*winks*…


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