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Thursday 30 May 2013


LAWMAKERS in Nigeria have passed a bill banning gay marriage and outlawing anyone from forming organisations supporting gay rights, setting prison terms of up to 14 years for offenders.

Nigeria's House of Representatives approved the bill in a voice vote, likely sending it immediately to President Goodluck Jonathan for him to potentially sign into law in Africa's most populous nation.

Whether he will approve it remains unclear, and both the United States and the United Kingdom raised concerns over a measure that could put foreign funding for AIDS and HIV outreach programs in jeopardy.

Nigeria's Senate previously passed the bill in November 2011 and the measure quietly disappeared for some time before coming up in Thursday's session of the House. 

Under previous versions of the proposed law, couples who marry could face up to 14 years each in prison. Witnesses or anyone who helps gay couples marry could be sentenced to 10 years behind bars.

The move comes a day after France became the 14th country to legalise gay marriage.

Other additions to the bill include making it illegal to register gay clubs or organisations, as well as criminalising the "public show of same-sex amorous relationships directly or indirectly." Those who violate those laws would also face 10-year prison terms.

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